Saturday, June 11, 2011

La Rueca

"Ruecas" are a type of machine used for spinning wool. As reflected in the picture below, ruecas fall somewhere between the traditional wooden "husos," or spinning needles, used to hand-spin wool and the larger, industrial wool processing plants.

According to my teacher, ruecas started becoming more widespread in southern rural Chile about 20 years ago and have become even more popular over the last 10 years. The machine can be powered by a foot pedal (as pictured) or hooked up to an electric motor and run automatically. Even though ruecas are by far more efficient than hand-spinning wool, one reason they have not completely taken over the practice is because they are large and immobile. Many artisans incorporate wool-spinning into their daily lives, bring their spinning needle with them wherever they go during the day: whether feeding their livestock, caring for children, or chatting with neighbors. In contrast, the rueca does not allow for this flexibility and social interaction.

La Rueca

Teñido de Aromo
this dark-green dye is created by boiling the Aromo tree's leaves and branches

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